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Is Gene Therapy Prohibited in Islam?


Question 308325

Just want to know if germ-line gene therapy, which is the introduction of new DNA into gamete cells (sperm or egg) or embryo to prevent or treat genetic disorders permissible or not. Also while this is mostly at research level and a lot of research suggests that it can cause harm as well but it can also work towards treating disease. Considering both these scenarios of harm and cure is it permissible to research into it?

Summary of answer:

There is nothing wrong with using gene therapy to prevent or treat genetic disorders if it is free of harm or if any harm is minor and may be overlooked in comparison to the interest that is served and the expected benefits.


Praise be to Allah.

Gene Therapy and Its Ethical Considerations in Islam

There is nothing wrong with using gene therapy to prevent or treat genetic disorders if it is free of harm or if any harm is minor and may be overlooked in comparison to the interest that is served and the expected benefits.

There is nothing wrong with researching and studying that , and striving to develop it in order to get rid of harmful side effects.

Guidelines on genetic engineering

In a symposium of the Islamic Organisation for Medical Sciences in Kuwait, on the topic of “Heredity, Genetic Engineering, the Human Genome and Gene Therapy: an Islamic Perspective,” held in partnership with the Islamic Fiqh Council in Jeddah, the regional office of the World Health Organisation in Alexandria, and the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), 23-25 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1419 AH/13-15 October 1998 CE, in which a number of senior jurists, doctors, pharmacists, specialists in biological sciences and scholars in other human sciences, the recommendations made by the symposium included the following:

Thirdly: genetic engineering:

For more details, please see the following answers: 267083 , 119830 , 111969

And Allah knows best.

Medicine and medical treatments
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