In the Ramadan file, we present most of the answers and rulings having to do with this holy month
Rulings pertaining to Zakat al-Fitr
What Is the Rate of Zakat al-Fitr?
Ruling on Eid prayers
To whom should zakat al-fitr be paid?
Is there a du`a to be said when paying zakat al-fitr?
Does a Poor Person Have To Pay Zakat al-Fitr?
What Are the Etiquettes of Eid?
Sunnah Acts During `Eid
Guidance of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) regarding Eid prayers
The Difference between Zakah on Wealth and Zakat Al-Fitr
Types of food that may be given as zakat al-fitr
All About Zakat al-Fitr
What is zakat al-fitr? How much is zakat al-fitr? When should zakat a-fitr be given? Who should pay zakat al-fitr? Who should receive zakat al-fitr? Check out all this here.
Allah has favoured His slaves with seasons of goodness in which rewards are multiplied, sins are erased and statuses are elevated.From the greatest of these seasons is the month of Ramadan which Allah has made an obligation upon His slaves, encouraged them regarding it and guided them to show gratitude to Him for this obligation. Seeing that this act of worship is of such great value, it is necessary that one learns the rulings pertaining to the month of fasting. This treatise contains a summary of the rulings of fasting, its etiquettes and sunnahs pertaining to it.
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