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Can one who is junub cut his nails and hair?


Question 109200

If a man is junub and he cut his nails or hair, is there any blame on him for that? Because if one who is junub cuts his hair or nails, all parts of his body will come back to him in the hereafter, and he will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection with some janabah on him, commensurate with what he cut of that. Is this the case or not?


Praise be to Allah.

It is soundly narrated from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), in the hadith of Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) and in the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that when mention was made to him of one who is junub, he said: “The believer does not become impure (najis).” In Sahih al-Hakim it adds: “whether he is alive or dead.”

I do not know of any shar‘i evidence to suggest that it is disliked (makrooh) to remove the hair or nails of one who is junub. Rather the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to one who became Muslim: “Cast off the hair of kufr (disbelief) and get circumcised.” Thus he instructed the one who had become Muslim to do ghusl, and he did not instruct him to delay getting circumcised or removing his hair until after doing ghusl. The fact that he said this in general terms indicates that both things are permissible. Similarly, the menstruating woman is instructed to comb her hair when doing ghusl, even though some hairs may be lost as a result of combing the hair. And Allah knows best."(Majmu‘ Fatawa Ibn Taymiyah  21/120, 121).

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