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Rulings on Waqfs


Question 13720

What is the Islamic ruling on the issue of waqfs?

Summary of answer:

Waqf is an act of worship which is recommended in Islam (mustahabb). The one who establishes the waqf should be one who has the authority to dispose of this wealth. The property given as waqf should be something from which ongoing benefit may be derived whilst its original essence remains. It is obligatory to act in accordance with the wishes of the one who set up the waqf so long as it does not go against the Shari`ah.


Praise be to Allah.

What is waqf?

Waqf means putting aside the original property and donating its benefits for the sake of Allah. What is meant by the original property is something from which benefit may be derived while its essence remains, such as houses, shops, gardens, etc. What is meant by benefits is beneficial produce that comes from the original property, such as crops, rents, provision of shelter, etc. 

The ruling concerning waqfs is that the waqf is an act of worship which is recommended in Islam (mustahabb). The evidence for that is the sahih Sunnah. 

In al-Sahihayn, it is narrated that ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have got wealth from Khaybar and I have nothing that is more precious to me than that. What do you command me to do with it?” He said, “If you wish, you can put it aside and give in charity from it (from what it produces), but the original property should not be sold, given away or inherited.” So ‘Umar gave it in charity to the poor and to relatives, used it to set slaves free, gave it for the sake of Allah, helped wayfarers and honoured his guests. Muslim narrated in his Sahih that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When the son of Adam dies, all his good deeds come to an end except three: ongoing charity, knowledge from which others may benefit after he is gone, and a righteous son who will pray for him.” Jabir said: “There was no one among the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who had the means, but he set up a waqf.” 

Qurtubah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “There is no dispute among the scholars concerning waqfs of aqueducts and mosques in particular, but they differed concerning other types of waqfs.” 

There is the condition that the one who establishes the waqf should be one who has the authority to dispose of this wealth, i.e., he should be an adult, free and mature, because a waqf made by a minor, a fool or a slave is not valid. 

Forms of waqf contract

The contract of the waqf is done in either of two ways: 

  1. By saying something that indicates that a waqf is being established, such as saying, “I make this place a waqf” or “I make it a mosque.”
  2. By doing something that customarily indicates a waqf, such as making a house into a mosque, or giving general permission to the people to pray there, or making one’s land into a graveyard and giving people permission to bury their dead there. 

Types of wording of waqf

Words which indicate a waqf are of two types: 

  1. Clear words, such I saying “I make this a waqf,” or “I make this for the sake of Allah,” and so on… these words are clear, because they cannot be interpreted as meaning anything other than a waqf. When he utters these words it becomes a waqf with no need to add anything further.
  2. Words which are indirect, such as “I give this in charity,” or “I deny myself its benefits” or “This is for the sake of Allah in perpetuity”. These are called indirect because they may be interpreted as meaning a waqf or something else. If he says an expression such as this, it has to be accompanied by the intention to set up a waqf, or one of the clear phrases, or one of the other indirect phrases. The clear phrases include “I give such and such in charity as a waqf, or for the sake of Allah, or denying myself its benefits, or in perpetuity.” Or the indirect words may be accompanied by the ruling on waqfs, such as saying, “I give such and such in charity and it is not to be sold or inherited.” 

Conditions of the validity of wqaf

Certain conditions apply in order for the waqf to be valid. These include: 

  1. That the person who is setting up the waqf is one who has the authority to dispose of this wealth, as stated above.
  2. That the property given as a waqf should be something from which ongoing benefit may be derived whilst its original essence remains. Things which do not remain after they have been used cannot be given as a waqf, such as food.
  3. That the property given as a waqf should be something specific. A waqf consisting of something unspecified is invalid, such as saying, “I give one of my slaves or one of my houses as a waqf.”
  4. The waqf should be for a good purpose, because the purpose behind it is to draw closer to Allah – such as mosques , aqueducts, waqfs for the poor, books of knowledge and waqfs to benefit relatives. It is not permissible to set up a waqf for purposes that are not good, such as waqfs for places of worship of the kuffar, or the books of the heretics, or for installing lights on tombs or perfuming them with incense, or to support those who look after tombs, because that is helping people to commit sin, shirk and kufr.
  5. In order for the waqf to be valid if it refers to a specific thing, that thing should be in the firm possession of the one who is setting up the waqf. So one who cannot possess anything, such as the dead and animals, cannot set up a waqf.
  6. In order for the waqf to be valid it must be executable with immediate effect. A waqf which is temporary or suspended is not valid, except when a person connects it to his death, such as saying, “When I die, my house will be a waqf for the poor,” because of what Abu Dawud narrated: “‘Umar made a will that if anything were to happen to him, then Samagh – some land which he owned – would be given in charity.”This became well known and no one denied this action, which amounted to unanimous agreement on this point. The waqf which is connected to a person’s death should be (no more than) one-third of the wealth, because it comes under the rulings of wills (wasiyyah).  

Some rulings of waqf

`Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) set up a waqf and stipulated certain conditions, and if it had not been obligatory to adhere to the conditions there would have been no point in stipulating them. So if (the person setting up the waqf) stipulates a certain amount, or that some deserving people should be given precedence over others, or that those who are to benefit should have certain qualities or be free of certain qualities, etc., then it should be done in accordance with his conditions, so long as that does not go against the Quran or Sunnah. 

“Or has He (Allah) only daughters and you have sons?.” [Al-Tur 52:39] 

And Allah knows best.

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