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Is It Prohibited to Change Your Gender?


Question 138451

What is the ruling on sex change operations (gender reassignment surgery) in the case of necessity? For example, if a child is born and has genitalia that does not match his gender, and it is possible to surgically reconstruct it? What is the ruling if this child grows up and becomes transgendered, and thus cannot get married, and this is on the basis of medical evidence on which the doctors agree, but social standards reject this surgery, and this sex-change operation is for the sake of medical treatment?

Summary of answer:

While corrective surgeries may be permissible in cases of ambiguous intersex, gender transformation surgeries that aim to change one’s gender from male to female or vice versa are not allowed, as they reflect discontent with Allah’s creation and can lead to significant physical and psychological harm.


Praise be to Allah.

The Immutable Creation of Allah

 It is not possible for anyone, no matter who he is, to change the creation of Allah , may He be Exalted, from male to female or vice versa. Whoever Allah, may He be Exalted, has created as a male can never become a female who menstruates and gives birth! 

Yes, the doctors may tamper with him to satisfy his perversion so that he will think that he has become a woman, but he will never be truly female and will live in a state of anxiety and worry, which may lead him to commit suicide. 

Following the Devil in Changing the Creation of Allah 

What a person may feel in his mind and heart, that he is of a gender other than what he appears to be to us does not give him an excuse to change his gender ; rather it comes under the heading of following the devil in changing the creation of Allah – outwardly but not truly – and those feelings do not make it permissible for him to undergo surgery or take medicines and hormones to change his outward appearance. Rather he must be content with the decree of Allah, may He be Exalted, and treat his case on the basis of faith and obedience to Allah. It is not permissible for him to make himself appear outwardly to be of a gender other than his real gender with which Allah created him, otherwise he will be committing a major sin; if this person is really female then she will be masculinised and if he is really male then he will be effeminate. 

Is sex correction surgery allowed in Islam?

The surgery that is permissible in such cases is if a person was originally created male or female, but his genital organs are hidden. In that case it is permissible to do surgery in order to make those organs appear, and to give him or her medicine or hormones to strengthen the characteristics with which Allah originally created him or her. 

But in the case of one who was created with both female and male genitalia – this is what is called ambiguous intersex – it is not permissible to be hasty in removing one and making the other more apparent. Rather we should wait until it is known what Allah, may He be Exalted, will decree for this individual, which may become apparent after some time has passed. 

For a more detailed discussion on intersex, please see the answer to question no. 114670  

Is It Prohibited to Change Your Gender?

There follows a detailed fatwa from the scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas, who were asked about a case similar to what is mentioned in the question. 

They replied: 

In your case, if you are as you mentioned, that you are certain of your masculinity and that you can play the male role efficiently, even if you have not actually engaged in any sexual activity with any person, then you must preserve your masculinity and accept that which Allah has granted to you of virtue and a favourable situation. . 

Therefore the surgery that you want to do is a kind of tampering and striving for something in which there is no benefit. In fact it may be dangerous; if it does not lead to death, then at the very least it will lead to taking away that which Allah has given you without you attaining what you want, and you will still be affected by what you have mentioned of psychological problems that you want to get rid of by means of this surgery that is bound to fail. 

For more details, please see the following answers: 157881 , 183177

And Allah knows best.

Belief in the Divine Will and Decree Medicine and medical treatments Psychological and Social Problems
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