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Reward in Islam for One Who Loses a Child


Question 21434

What is the reward parents receive for being patient and thanking Allah, when they have an infant or child die?

Summary of answer:

Losing a child is one of the greatest calamities for the one whom it befalls. There are Hadiths which explain that if two or more of a person’s children die and he bears that with patience, then he is promised Paradise and salvation from the Fire.


Praise be to Allah.

Virtue of patience in Islam

There are many texts in the Quran and Sunnah which point to the virtue and great reward of those who are patient and state that Allah will give them reward without measure. This includes everyone who bears with patience any calamity with which he is tested. 

Reward for losing a child in Islam

Undoubtedly the loss of a child is one of the greatest calamities for the one whom it befalls. Whoever bears that with patience and accepts the will and decree of Allah will have a great reward by the grace and bounty of Allah. There follow some of these texts, which we hope will be of consolation to you in your time of calamity

Allah says (interpretation of the meanings): 

And there are many similar verses. 

There are also many Hadiths, including the following: 

Muslim (5318) narrated that Suhayb said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affair is all good, and this applies to no one except the believer. If something good happens to him, he gives thanks and that is good for him, and if something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and that is good for him.” This has to do with the virtues of patience in general. 

Hadiths on losing a child

There are also Hadiths which speak specifically of losing a child . For example: 

We ask Allah to bless you with patience in the face of your loss, and to compensate you with something better. 

And Allah knows best.

Virtues of deeds
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