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Taking Medication While Fasting


Question 2299

Is there any consensus amongst Muslim scholars as to which medicinal preparations are permitted whilst fasting? More specifically are: a) tablets/syrups b)inhalers for asthma c)suppositories and d)intravenous forms of treatment allowed?
The question of inhalers for asthma is very pertinent to us in the UK, as some 20% of young people now suffer from asthma.
I would appreciate a detailed response with reference to any conference proceedings, etc. if possible.

Summary of answer:

Eye drops, ear drops, ear syringing, nose drops and nasal sprays do not invalidate the fast so long as one avoids swallowing any material that may reach the throat.


Praise be to Allah.

There follows a list of a number of things used in the medical field, explaining what does and does not break the fast. This is a summary of Shar`i research presented to the Islamic Fiqh Council during its regular meetings:

The following things do not have any effect on the fast:

The Muslim doctor should advise his patient to postpone the above-described treatments and procedures until after he has broken his fast, if it is safe to do so and will not cause any harm (even if these procedures will not have any effect on his fast).

Things which invalidate the fast
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