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43,98613/Muharram/1430 , 10/January/2009

Does Wudu Remain Valid If the Time for Wiping Over Socks Ends?

Question: 100112

What shall I do when I remember during my prayer that the period of wiping on shoes has run out? Should I break my prayer?

If I wore socks under my shoes after ablution (Wudu), then took my shoes off while socks were still on, does this invalidate my ablution?

Summary of answer

If the time for wiping over the Khuff has ended, and you have Wudu, then your Wudu does not become invalidated according to the correct view. If a person takes off the Khuff or socks after wiping over them, his Wudu does not become invalidated according to the correct scholarly opinion.

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Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

Is Wudu Valid after Wiping Period Ends?

If the time for wiping over the Khuff has ended, and you have Wudu, then your Wudu does not become invalidated, according to the correct view, which was favoured by a number of scholars, including Ibn Hazm and Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on them), because there is no evidence that it becomes invalidated. Wudu is only invalidated by well-known causes such as passing wind.

Praying after the Wiping Period Has Expired

Based on this, if the period (for wiping over the socks) ends whilst you are praying, then you should carry on with your prayer, and pray as much as you want so long as you do not break your Wudu.

Does Removing Socks or Khuff Break Wudu?

If a person takes off the Khuff or socks after wiping over them, his Wudu does not become invalidated according to the correct scholarly opinion. That is because when a man wipes over his Khuff, he has completed his purification according to the Shar`i evidence, and when he takes them off, this purification remains in effect, based on Shar`i evidence, and it cannot be rendered invalid except with Shar`i evidence.

There is no evidence that taking off Khuff or socks that have been wiped over invalidates Wudu. Based on this, his Wudu remains in effect. This is the view favoured by Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) and a number of other scholars. (Majmu` Fatawa Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, 21/179, 215, and Majmu` Fatawa wa Rasa’il Ash-Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymin, 11/179)

But taking off the Khuff brings the period for wiping over them to an end, i.e., he cannot put them on again and wipe over them, until after he does a complete Wudu in which he washes his feet.

And Allah knows best.


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Does Wudu Remain Valid If the Time for Wiping Over Socks Ends? - Islam Question & Answer