Praise be to Allah.
Shaykh `Abd Al-`Aziz ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) said.
No; the paternal uncle and maternal uncle of the husband are not Mahrams; rather she cannot uncover in front of the husband’s paternal uncle and maternal uncle, or the husband’s brother who is closer to him. Rather the words of Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, {and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers} [An-Nur 24:31] refer to fathers and grandfathers, which does not include paternal uncles or maternal uncles.
The one who says that they are included is mistaken; rather the fathers are the fathers and grandfathers, no matter how far the line of ascent reaches. As for the husband’s paternal uncle, maternal uncle and brother, they are not Mahrams, so she cannot uncover in front of them; rather she must observe Hijab in front of them.
Neither the maternal uncle, paternal uncle or brother of the husband are Mahram to her. Rather the only ones who are her Mahrams are the husband’s father and grandfather, the husband’s son, and the son of the husband’s son or daughter (i.e., his grandsons). The husband’s father and his paternal and maternal grandfathers are Mahrams, as are the husband’s sons and the sons of his sons and daughters. All of them are Mahrams to his wife. (End quote)
To learn more, review these responses:
The Husband's Father Is a Mahram for His Son's Wife
Sitting with Husband's Relatives and Shaking Hands with Them
Is the Father of One's Ex-Husband a Mahram
Is the father of one’s ex-husband a Mahram?
And Allah knows best.