Sunday 10 Sha‘ban 1446 - 9 February 2025

He is suffering from hair loss; can he use a natural remedy to make the hair grow and does that have any impact on his wudoo’?


Iam a 24 year male..iam having severe hair loss problem and i can see the back part of my head clearly as bald..i want to go for a hair replacement in which the doctor fixes human natural hair on my scalp without any surgery..
now i would like to know weather i would be able to offer namaz and will my namaz be accepted according to sharyat with that hair on my head?.


Praise be to Allah.

There is nothing wrong with this remedy which is intended to make the hair grow and to treat hair loss. And that will not have any impact on the validity of your wudoo’, so you can wipe over your head along with any hair, old or new. Your prayer will also be valid, praise be to Allah. 

For more information, see the answer to question no. 47664 

And Allah knows best.

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Source: Islam Q&A