Rulings on Marriage
He married her after she became Muslim, but she does not want to get divorced legally from her non-Muslim husband
- 12,887
Parents Making Marriage Difficult
- 1,840
Her younger paternal uncle acted as her guardian for her marriage, even though the older uncle was there
Is It Compulsory For Men to Get Married?
Marriage is obligatory on the man who is (financially and physically) able to marry and longs to get married, and fears falling into sin, because it is obligatory to protect oneself from committing forbidden deeds and to keep himself chaste – and this can only be achieved through marriage.106,505- 1,567
If he gets married with a dowry, part of which is deferred until the time of death or separation
- 8,449
What is meant by a woman offering herself to a man, and is that permissible?
- 4,860
He wants to propose to a girl without telling her family his real age
- 5,045
Is it permissible to propose to a woman with whom the marriage contract was done but her husband is missing and they do not know anything about him?
- 13,551
Ruling on not having children for fear that they may suffer hereditary diseases
Is a woman obliged to seek her husband’s permission to do supererogatory prayers and tahajjud?
1.. A woman is not obliged to seek her husband’s permission to do supererogatory prayers and tahajjud, because they only take a short time, in contrast to fasting and Hajj, which take a long time and may be detrimental to the husband. 2. The husband does not have the right to stipulate that his wife should not do any supererogatory prayers except with his permission. This is an invalid stipulation that serves no interest for the husband.9,931