Tuesday 19 Rabi‘ at-akhir 1446 - 22 October 2024

Your contribution today can shape the tomorrow of countless souls seeking Islamic guidance.

Empower the Ummah through your contribution, take action now!

Support IslamQA

For 26 years, IslamQA has been serving people by providing scholarly, in-depth, researched answers to their questions on a wide range of issues.

IslamQA’s Current Impact

  • calender26 years
  • Countries200+ Countries
  • Languages16 Language
  • Questions10,000+ answers per year

Help us serve the Ummah

The Muslim Ummah needs Islamic guidance more than ever before. Muslims face new challenges daily and need to navigate their way with the knowledge of Islam.

We have 1000’s of people wanting to ask questions yet we are only able to cater to the needs of a small percentage of them due to our limited capacity.

To ensure that IslamQA can support the needs of the Ummah, with relevant and detailed knowledge about every subject going forward, we need your help.

How your contribution helps

Your contribution will enable us to expand our capacity and extend our project in meaningful ways to cater to the growing needs of the Muslim community in-sha-Allah.

  • Answer more questions
  • Enhancing Question & Answer Research
  • Expanding our Translation Services
  • Extending our content into other areas
  • Ongoing Maintenance & Support
  • Technical Infrastructure & Hosting Services
  • Design & Development for our site & mobile app
  • Ongoing Tech & User Experience Research
  • Help cover expenses of future projects

Learn more about IslamQA

To learn more about IslamQA.info and how it works visit our About pages below.

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