Sunday 3 Rabi‘ at-akhir 1446 - 6 October 2024

How can he get rid of some devices used for entertainment?


Publication : 17-10-2023

Views : 1980


In the past, I had some devices that are used for entertainment – such as a television, PlayStation, and so on – that I acquired from some of my friends. Because I used them excessively, and not in a good way, I failed to do many obligatory duties. I want to ask about how I can get rid of them. Is it permissible for me to sell them, or should I just destroy them?


Praise be to Allah.

First of all, you should praise Allah, may He be exalted, for having alerted you to save you from heedlessness and wasting time with such things, for they are one of the traps of the Shaytan, into which many young people fall who do not realise how dangerous they are. Young people may spend many years of their lives without striving, advancing or succeeding, and one of them may not come to his senses until he has spent long years of his life playing computer games or watching TV programs that do not benefit him in his worldly affairs and do not increase his faith. Whoever Allah, may He be exalted, saves from this calamity is truly blessed and has been granted well-being by Him, may He be glorified.

Next, we advise you that it is essential to be careful about how you dispose of these things. If you can use them in ways that are permissible and beneficial, that is best, such as if you can use the television to watch useful and beneficial channels. Otherwise, if you fear that you may become addicted to television again, then you have no other choice except to get rid of it by selling it or giving it to someone who you think is good and righteous, so that he will not use it except for permissible purposes.

As for the PlayStation, we do not advise you to keep it; rather you should sell it or give it to someone who has children and will supervise them when they play with it, but will not give them free rein with it.

As for selling these devices (the television and PlayStation), or giving them to someone who does not pay attention to the sacred limits set by Allah, it is not permissible to do that, because this will be helping him in sin.

We ask Allah to bless you in your life and your work, and to enable you to obey Him.

Please see also the answers to questions no. 2898 and 39744 .

And Allah knows best.

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Source: Islam Q&A