Sunday 28 Safar 1446 - 1 September 2024

Woman who is in ‘iddah following the death of her husband going out to the market place and attending gatherings for seeking knowledge


Publication : 17-06-2009

Views : 12455


Is it permissible for the woman who is in ‘iddah to go out to the marketplace in case of need?.


Praise be to Allah.

It is permissible for the woman who is in ‘iddah to go out to the marketplace in case of need, and to go to the hospital for treatment. Similarly, it is permissible to her to go out to teach and seek knowledge, because that is one of the most important needs. But she should avoid adornment, perfume, jewellery of gold, silver and diamonds, and the like. The woman in ‘iddah must pay attention to five things: 

1.She should stay in the house in which her husband died and in which she lives, if possible.

2.She should avoid beautiful clothes.

3.She should avoid perfume, unless she has her menses, in which case she may use bukhoor (incense) when purifying herself following her menses.

4.She should not wear jewellery of gold, silver, diamonds and the like.

5.She should not use kohl or henna, because there is proof from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) which points to what we have mentioned.

And Allaah is the source of strength. End quote. 

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Source: Islam Q&A