Sunday 28 Safar 1446 - 1 September 2024

What are the crop harvests on which zakah must be paid?


Publication : 13-06-2024

Views : 1237


Are there any reports having to do with giving zakah on agricultural produce or any harvests from any other source for which it is not required that one Hijri year should have passed?


Praise be to Allah.

With regard to zakah on agricultural produce, there follows a brief explanation of those harvests on which zakah must be given, their minimum thresholds (nisab) and how it is to be given, with evidence.

Types of crops on which zakah must be given:

The types of crops mentioned in the texts on which zakah must be given are four: wheat, barley, dates and raisins.

The scholars differed regarding crops other than these four, and there are many views, the most correct of which may be – and Allah knows best – that zakah is due on any crops and fruits that may be weighed and stored. See: ash-Sharh al-Mumti‘ by Ibn ‘Uthaymin (6/70).

The minimum threshold (nisab) for crops and fruits:

The minimum threshold (nisab) for crops and fruits is five wasqs, which is equivalent to approximately 612 kg.

The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no zakah due on less than five wasqs…” Narrated by al-Bukhari (1378) and Muslim (979).

The rate of zakah that is due on crops:

It is obligatory to give one tenth or 10% of the total amount of what one has of these crops or fruits, on condition that they were irrigated without any extra costs, such as plants that are watered by rain or by rivers and streams, and also plants that are watered by means of deep roots (taproots) that reach any water source nearby, so that there is no need for extra costs for irrigating them, as in the case of date palms.

As for crops and fruits that are irrigated at some cost, such as those that are irrigated by mechanical means, zakah at a rate of half of one tenth, or 5%, of the total amount of what one has of these crops or fruits must be given. This is the view of the four imams, because of the Prophet’s words: “With regard to that which is irrigated by rainfall and springs, or has a taproot, (the zakah) is one tenth, and with regard to that which is irrigated by drawing water, (the zakah) is half of one tenth.” Narrated by al-Bukhari (1483).

On our website there is a previous detailed answer regarding this matter; see question no. 172973 .

When does the zakah become due?

The time when the zakah on grains and fruits becomes due is when they first become ripe. As for the time when zakah is to be given, it is after threshing and cleaning grains, and after dates are dried.

We have previously explained that in detail, with evidence, in the answer to question no. 243326 .

And Allah knows best.

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Source: Islam Q&A