Sunday 3 Rabi‘ at-akhir 1446 - 6 October 2024

What is the benefit of a woman’s emotions?


Publication : 20-09-2024

Views : 1974


What is the benefit of a woman’s emotions, other than the benefit that her children gain from that, and her being merciful and compassionate towards them?


Praise be to Allah.


Emotions, feelings and the compassionate side of humans: all of that is one of the greatest blessings that Allah has bestowed on humankind. Were it not for that, we would be like robots, in which case life would have no meaning, blessings would have no meaning and nothing would have any meaning. You would feel no joy, no happiness, no mercy, no compassion, no sympathy and no care for others; you would not forgive others or overlook their mistakes. In fact, you would not feel any grief or pain, and you would not feel pleased or angry.

All these feelings, even grief and anger, play an essential role in the soul of the human being and in his entire life.

Hence the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) would get angry if the sacred limits of Allah were transgressed. Were it not for feelings of anger, he would not have been able to do that which reflected his faith (namely his righteous anger in this instance).


Emotions make life colourful and give it meaning. Emotions are an essential part of our lives, and from them we acquire some important information about ourselves. They are essential to our survival, because they are what enable us to determine what is safe for others and what is dangerous.

The one who reflects on people’s emotions will find that emotions are not all the same. Each emotion has several components which may vary in importance; they are seen in a person’s feelings, behaviour and choice of friends, and also in different social contexts in which emotional responses are provoked.


It seems from the question that you affirm the benefit of a woman’s emotions, through which a mother shows mercy and compassion towards her child, and feels love for him. But this in fact highlights to us the more important matter, which is ignored with regard to the benefit of emotions, for emotions are an essential means of showing mercy and compassion to ourselves, being kind to ourselves and being able to handle our feelings and emotions, so that we will be able to manage our mental state and behaviour properly. All of that will lead a person to develop what he requires of characteristics through which he will become a slave of Allah and closer to Him. There is nothing that Allah has given us but it has a role to play in helping us to become true slaves of Allah.

How could we love Allah, if we had no feelings of love?

How could we give thanks to Allah, if we had no feelings of gratitude?

How could we become angry when the sacred limits of Allah are transgressed, if we had no feelings of anger?

How could we show mercy to others, if we had no kind and gentle feelings? For the one who does not show mercy will not be shown mercy.

Allah has created the woman to have feelings and emotions which balance out the man’s logical and practical approach to life, so that he will find comfort in her despite her gentleness and weakness, when he has power and strength: {It is He Who created you from a single soul, and created from it its mate, so that he might find comfort in her} [Al-A‘raf 7:189].

In general, human emotions are an inseparable part of a person’s makeup, which help him to go through the journey of life, worshipping his Lord. Female emotions in particular are part of a woman’s makeup which qualify her to be the gentle breeze that brings comfort to life, so as to show one aspect of servitude to Allah in which various branches of faith are manifested, which do not manifest themselves in this way but you will find that in women.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) spoke the truth when he said of Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her): “I was blessed with her love.” Narrated by Muslim (2435).

And Allah knows best.

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Source: Islam Q&A