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Differences between Christianity and Islam


Question 27093

What are the factors which cause a widening gap between Muslim and christian communities?.

Summary of answer:

Muslims believe that there is only One God and that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is His Messenger. They also believe that Jesus was a human being with no divine qualities. Christians, on the other hand, believe in the divinity of Jesus as the Son of God and the second person of the holy trinity. They hold that divinity can be incarnated in humanity and that Jesus (Peace be upon him) was crucified by the Jews, dying on the cross as a ransom for mankind to atone for original sin.


Praise be to Allah.

Basic Tenets of Islamic Belief  

There are many great factors that widen the gaps between Muslims and Christians. The differences in belief between us and them do not let us get close unless they give up their disbelief and misguidance, and join the monotheists who believe in One Lord and God, and bear witness that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is His Messenger, and believe that `Isa (Jesus – peace be upon him) was a human being.

Basic Tenets of Christian Belief

These are the most significant deviations in their religion, which widen the gap between us Muslims and them: 

They describe Lot (peace be upon him) as committing incest with his two daughters, and Noah (peace be upon him) as drinking wine until he became drunk and his `awrah (private parts) was exposed. There are even more foolish stories than that. 

See Hidayat al-Hayara fi Ajwibat al-Yahud wa’l-Nasara by Ibn al-Qayyim; Naqd al-Nasraniyyah by Dr. Muhammad ibn ‘Abd-Allah al-Sahim 

And Allah knows best.

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