Praise be to Allah.
It is valid to do wudu or ghusl by putting the limb into a vessel of water, and that is regarded as washing; it is not stipulated that one should also rub the parts with water. Similarly, the water does not lose its purity if a hand or foot is dipped into it, according to the correct scholarly view.
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If a person dips his limb into the water, that is sufficient, because that is called washing.
(End quote from Al-Majmu`, 1/493)
Shaykh `Abd ar-Rahman as-Sa`di (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
With regard to what is used to remove impurity:
If it is scooped out of the vessel, then what remains in the vessel is pure, whether the amount is small or great, and there is scholarly consensus on that.
If he uses it when he is in the vessel, meaning that he does ghusl or wudu with the same water:
if the water is a large amount, then the water remains pure and may be used for purification, and there is scholarly consensus on that.
But if the amount of water is small, then it is pure in and of itself but cannot be used for purification, according to the madhhab.
But according to the correct view, it is pure and may be used for purification, because there is no evidence to suggest that it has changed from its original state.
(End quote from Irshad Ulil-Basa’ir wal-Albab by Shaykh as-Sa`di (may Allah have mercy on him), p. 16-17).
For more information, see the answer to question no.93056.
The difference between washing and wiping is that in the case of washing, it is stipulated that the water should flow over the limb being washed, in contrast to wiping, in which that is not stipulated; rather it is stipulated that you should touch the part you want to wipe with your wet hands, without pouring water or making it flow over it, as when wiping over the head and socks.
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: As for the author’s [Abu Is-haq ash-Shirazi ash-Shafa`i (may Allah have mercy on him)] saying: “and because wudu means making the water flow over the limbs,” this is a clear statement on his part which confirms what his companions agreed upon, that wudu is not valid unless water flows over the limb, and that it is not sufficient just to touch it with wet hands.
(End quote from Al-Majmu`, 1/308).
Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
The words “washing the face” exclude wiping, so it is essential to wash it. Hence if you wet your hands with water then wipe your face with them, that is not washing. Washing means making the water flow over the part in question.
(End quote from Ash-Sharh al-Mumti`, 1/183.